Our results

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Results & reports

As a cooperative bank we want to contribute to society ánd to global transitions. We are ambitious, but we are not alone. Together with our customers, members and partners we join forces to support many social initiatives which make the Netherlands and the world stronger. Take a look at our global impact and all our other results and reports.


Rabobank posts net result of EUR 1,571 million for the first half of 2022

The effects of the war in Ukraine, global supply chain issues and the long term effect of Covid-19 have had a strong impact on the economy in recent months. Rising prices affect our daily lives. In these uncertain economic conditions, Rabobank managed to maintain a stable course.

Explanations of the results

CEO Wiebe Draijer on Rabobank’s Interim Results 2022

A management summary of our Interim Results. Despite uncertain economic conditions, Rabobank maintained a stable course.


Explanations of the Interim Results of 2022

Making an impact together

Everyone deserves the opportunity to participate, grow and make a valuable contribution. From smallholder farmers in developing countries to disadvantaged people in the Netherlands. We need each other more than ever before. Together we’re working towards a world that is fairer, more social and greener.


View the summarizing infographics of our Interim Results 2022 in the documents below. See the full Interim Report on our downloads page.

Rabobank Global Presence 2022 (EN) Rabobank in the first half of 2022 (EN) Rabobank at a glance 2022 (EN)

Value Creation Model

Our value creation model shows our key resources: employees, capital and funding, partnerships and networks, knowledge and, (IT) infrastructure. Alongside our mission, vision, and strategy they are a vital input for our business model, products, and services. The outputs and outcomes related to the value creating material themes are allocated between our strategic pillars.

Rabobank Value Creation Model (EN)


S&P Global







5 of 406

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